4. Podcasts in Foreign Langugae Learning


In this session we discuss the use of podcasts in foreign language teaching. We explore different types of podcasts (audio downloadable files usually in mp3 form) and vodcasts (video files usually in mp4 form) and describe the steps for creating a podcast for educational use.


Unit 4.1: Podcasts and Vodcasts in the Foreign Language Classroom (PDF)
Unit 4.2: How to Create Your Own Podcast (PDF)


Unit 4.1: Podcasts and Vodcasts in the Foreign Language Classroom (PPT)
Unit 4.2: How to Create Your Own Podcast (PPT)



Podcasting in Plain English
How to Start a Podcast - A Step-By-Step Podcasting Tutorial
How Podcasting Works - A Basic Overview



How a Podcast Is Born Infographic