English and Digital Literacies
Bessie Mitsikopoulou
This introductory course deals with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in English language teaching. The course deals with issues such as evaluation of educational software and websites, incorporation of ICT in the foreign language curriculum and the exploitation of the digital literacy that students bring to class from their everyday encounters with the new media. The Digital School project is also being presented and analyzed (its objectives and outcomes). Students have the opportunity to review the digital resources that have been prepared for the English state textbooks.
LessThis introductory course deals with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in English language teaching. The course deals with issues such as evaluation of educational software and websites, incorporation of ICT in the foreign language curriculum and the exploitation of the digital literacy that students bring to class from their everyday encounters with the new media. The Digital School project is also being presented and analyzed (its objectives and outcomes). Students have the opportunity to review the digital resources that have been prepared for the English state textbooks.
This introductory course deals with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in English language teaching. The course deals with issues such as evaluation of educational software and websites, incorporation of ICT in the foreign language curriculum and the exploitation of the digital literacy that students bring to class from their everyday encounters with the new media. The Digital School project is also being presented and analyzed (its objectives and outcomes). Students have the opportunity to review the digital resources that have been prepared for the English state textbooks.

Bessie Mitsikopoulou is Associate Professor at the Department of Language and Linguistics, Faculty of English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a PhD in Critical Discourse Analysis (University of Athens), an MA in Applied Linguistics (University of Reading), a Postgraduate Specialist Diploma in Computers in Education (Institute of Education, University of London) and a BA in English Language and Literature (University of Athens). Her research interests are in the areas of critical discourse analysis, educational linguistics, applications of new technologies in education, critical and academic literacies. She is the co-editor of Policies of Linguistic Pluralism and the Teaching of Languages in Europe (with B. Dendrinos, Metaihmio Publications and the University of Athens, 2004) and The Periphery Viewing the World (with C. Dokou and E. Mitsi, Parousia Publications, Athens, 2004). She has participated in several research and EU projects in the areas of academic literacies and the teaching of languages in higher education. From February 2005 to June 2006 she coordinated the research group in Athens which conducted a nation wide research on “Informal digital literacies of Greek adolescents” which was sponsored by the Center for the Greek Language. Since January 2004, she has been Thematic Consultant of English Literacy for the Second Chance Schools in Greece, and a member of the Scientific Committee for Second Chance Schools. Together with Professor Liana Sakelliou-Schultz they edited Literacy in English: Curriculum, Methodological Suggestions, Educational Materials (Ministry of Education, Athens, 2006). She has published in various international academic journals such as Language & Education, Journal of Languageand Politics, Language Learning and Technology, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Journal of Applied Linguistics.
Target Group
- Students of Faculties of English Language and Literature
- Pre-service and in-service English Language Teachers
- School Advisors for English
- Anyone interested in using ICT in English Language Teaching
- Mitsikopoulou B. (2007). The interplay of the global and the local in English language learning and electronic communication discourses and practices in Greece. Language and Education 21(3): 232-246
- Warschauer M. (1996). Computer Assisted Language Learning: an Introduction. In Fotos S. (ed.) Multimedia language teaching. Tokyo: Logos International. 3-20.
- Alexander B. & Levine A. (2008). Web 2.0 Storytelling. Emergence of a new genre. Educause Review 43 (6): 40-56. http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERM0865.pdf
- Robin Bernard R. (2005). The educational uses of digital storytelling. Retrieved from http://faculty.coe.uh.edu/brobin/homepage/Educational-Uses-DS.pdf
- Mitsikopoulou B. (2014). “Materials design for the digital enrichment of the Greek EFL textbooks” Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning (RPLTL) 5 (1): 48-69. Available at: http://rpltl.eap.gr/images/2014/05-01-048-Mitsikopoulou.pdf
- Rosell-Aguilar F. (2007). Top of the Pods: In search of a podcasting “pedagogy” for language learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning 20 (5): 471 – 492.
Bessie Mitsikopoulou is Associate Professor at the Department of Language and Linguistics, Faculty of English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a PhD in Critical Discourse Analysis (University of Athens), an MA in Applied Linguistics (University of Reading), a Postgraduate Specialist Diploma in Computers in Education (Institute of Education, University of London) and a BA in English Language and Literature (University of Athens). Her research interests are in the areas of critical discourse analysis, educational linguistics, applications of new technologies in education, critical and academic literacies. She is the co-editor of Policies of Linguistic Pluralism and the Teaching of Languages in Europe (with B. Dendrinos, Metaihmio Publications and the University of Athens, 2004) and The Periphery Viewing the World (with C. Dokou and E. Mitsi, Parousia Publications, Athens, 2004). She has participated in several research and EU projects in the areas of academic literacies and the teaching of languages in higher education. From February 2005 to June 2006 she coordinated the research group in Athens which conducted a nation wide research on “Informal digital literacies of Greek adolescents” which was sponsored by the Center for the Greek Language. Since January 2004, she has been Thematic Consultant of English Literacy for the Second Chance Schools in Greece, and a member of the Scientific Committee for Second Chance Schools. Together with Professor Liana Sakelliou-Schultz they edited Literacy in English: Curriculum, Methodological Suggestions, Educational Materials (Ministry of Education, Athens, 2006). She has published in various international academic journals such as Language & Education, Journal of Languageand Politics, Language Learning and Technology, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Journal of Applied Linguistics.
- Students of Faculties of English Language and Literature
- Pre-service and in-service English Language Teachers
- School Advisors for English
- Anyone interested in using ICT in English Language Teaching
- Mitsikopoulou B. (2007). The interplay of the global and the local in English language learning and electronic communication discourses and practices in Greece. Language and Education 21(3): 232-246
- Warschauer M. (1996). Computer Assisted Language Learning: an Introduction. In Fotos S. (ed.) Multimedia language teaching. Tokyo: Logos International. 3-20.
- Alexander B. & Levine A. (2008). Web 2.0 Storytelling. Emergence of a new genre. Educause Review 43 (6): 40-56. http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERM0865.pdf
- Robin Bernard R. (2005). The educational uses of digital storytelling. Retrieved from http://faculty.coe.uh.edu/brobin/homepage/Educational-Uses-DS.pdf
- Mitsikopoulou B. (2014). “Materials design for the digital enrichment of the Greek EFL textbooks” Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning (RPLTL) 5 (1): 48-69. Available at: http://rpltl.eap.gr/images/2014/05-01-048-Mitsikopoulou.pdf
- Rosell-Aguilar F. (2007). Top of the Pods: In search of a podcasting “pedagogy” for language learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning 20 (5): 471 – 492.
This session explores the notion of literacy and what it means to develop English and digital literacies with particular reference to the Greek context.
This session reviews the different phases of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), the behaviouristic CALL (1960-1970s), the communicative CALL (1970s-1980s) and the integrative CALL (1990 - ) with particular emphasis on the theoretical underpinnings of each period and examples of educational software.
This session analyses digital storytelling and the genre of digital story. It describes different types of digital stories and modalities used. Next it explores the role of digital stories in the English language curriculum and offers practical information about how to develop a digital story by introducing relevant procedures and tools.
In this session we discuss the use of podcasts in foreign language teaching. We explore different types of podcasts (audio downloadable files usually in mp3 form) and vodcasts (video files usually in mp4 form) and describe the steps for creating a podcast for educational use.
The session analyses different ways through which online materials may be used to support foreign language learning and teaching. It describes types of materials for reading, writing, speaking and listening and then moves to lesson plans and other materials for language teachers.
This session deals with webquests, a special kind of projects using internet sources. It describes the structure of a webquest and explores its usefulness in the foreign language classroom. The second part of the session give guidance as to how to design a webquest.
This session presents the basic aims of the Digital School Project (2011-2015) of the Greek Ministry of Education and specifically the actions related to the production of interactive textbooks and digital enrichment of the Greek EFL textbooks.
This session defines the notion of digital repository, describes its different types and focuses primarily on Learning Object Repositories (LOR). It then moves to present the example of Photodentro LOR, the Greek Learning Object Repository of the Greek Ministry of Education for primary and secondary education.
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